OAGi Announces Release of connectCenter 3.3.3 with New Features for Enhanced User Experience

OAGi Announces Release of connectCenter 3.3.3 with New Features for Enhanced User Experience

Atlanta, GA, USA November 22, 2024 – The Open Applications Group, Inc. (OAGi) is excited to announce the release of connectCenter 3.3.3, the latest version of its flagship integration platform. Thi...
OAGi Appoints Jim Logan as Chief Ontology Architect for the Industrial Ontologies Foundry

OAGi Appoints Jim Logan as Chief Ontology Architect for the Industrial Ontologies Foundry

November 18, 2024 – OAGi is pleased to announce the appointment of Jim Logan as Chief Ontology Architect for the Industrial Ontologies Foundry (IOF). This strategic role highlights OAGi’s commitmen...
OAGi Release connectSpec 10.11.3

OAGi Release connectSpec 10.11.3

November 12, 2024 – OAGi, the world leader in enterprise business message standardization and interoperability with its connectSpec standard, announces the release of connectSpec 10.11.3. This late...
NIIMBL and Open Applications Group (OAGi) partner to develop open-source biopharmaceutical manufacturing ontologies

NIIMBL and Open Applications Group (OAGi) partner to develop open-source biopharmaceutical manufacturing ontologies

ATLANTA, GEORGIA, U.S.A., June 24, 2024 /EINPresswire.com/ -- The National Institute for Innovation in Manufacturing Biopharmaceuticals (NIIMBL) has contributed biopharmaceutical manufacturing onto...
OAGi Releases IOF Core Ontology Version 202401
industrial ontologies

OAGi Releases IOF Core Ontology Version 202401

The Open Application Group's (OAGi) Industrial Ontologies Foundry (IOF) produced the 202401 release of its suite of ontologies. Historically, this is the second release. Browse or download the whol...
OAGi releases connectSpec 10.10 and connectCenter 3.2

OAGi releases connectSpec 10.10 and connectCenter 3.2

ATLANTA, GA, USA, December 19, 2023/EINPresswire.com/ -- OAGi releases connectSpec 10.10 (OAGIS 10.10). This release introduces several updates, including some eagerly awaited BODs (messages) and n...
OAGi Unveils New Look

OAGi Unveils New Look

ATLANTA, GA, USA, July 20, 2023/EINPresswire.com/ -- OAGi is pleased to announce a new look for the organization and its suite of interoperability resources. Since 1995 “OAGIS” has been synonymous ...
How to Tame Scary Integration Projects

How to Tame Scary Integration Projects

Author and veteran OAGi expert consultant, Michael Figura, walks us through a series of spooky tales from the trenches of enterprise-integration.
OAGi Releases IOF Ontology Version 202301

OAGi Releases IOF Ontology Version 202301

OAGi has released the 202301 suite of IOF Ontology that includes IOF Core in the Released status and the Supply Chain and the Maintenance Reference Ontologies in the Provisional Status.