Membership Overview
OAGi has two major membership categories as described in the following table:
OAGi Connect Membership |
OAGi IOF Membership |
Description |
The OAGi Connect Membership category focuses on developing interoperability specifications and related tooling. |
The IOF Membership category focuses on developing ontologies. |
Membership Types |
- Business
- Government Agency
- Academic Institute
- Research Institute
- System Integrator
- Software Integrator
- Association
- Unaffiliated Individual
- Business
- Government Agency
- Academic or Research Institute
- Non-Profit Organization
- Individual (note that this is a restricted and by-invitation-only type)
Membership Levels and Benefits |
Score Cloud account for your organization with unlimited users
- Access to all standards, specifications, documentation, and white papers
- Invitations to weekly support sessions
- Invitations to share your organization’s requirements in OAGi working groups and contribute to a community effort to address them
- Basic Membership benefits, plus
- Score On-Prem
- Propose and lead OAGi working groups
- Pro Member benefits, plus
- OAGi Policy Board seat
- 10% discount on published consulting and training rates
- Participate in Technical Oversight Board meetings
- Serve on the Governance Board in a non-voting advisory role if invited by the Governance Board
- Permission to attend various IOF events such as conferences, face-to-face working meetings, and workshops
- Receive emails from the IOF general mailing list
- Download conference and workshop presentation content (subject to presenter making such material available to the IOF)
- Participate in IOF working group conference calls.
- Recognized on IOF website (organization name, participant picture & biography, if desired)
- Participate in working groups
- Edit access to applicable working group content
- Eligible to chair a working group
- All the privileges of the Contributing Level
- One voting seat on the Governance Board
- Eligible to be selected to serve as Governance Board or Technical Oversight Board chairperson
(not both simultaneously)
- Special recognition on OAGi-IOF website
Terms, Dues and Payments |
Basic Membership is monthly with dues paid monthly by credit care
Pro and Enterprise Membership is annual by membership anniversary with dues paid monthly by credit card or annually by credit card, EFT, or check.
Membership is annual by calendar year with dues paid monthly by credit card or annually by credit card, EFT, or check. |