Jump Start Learning OAGIS Now!

We've compiled all of our best resources in one place so that you can learn OAGIS in the shortest amount of time.

An Introduction to OAGi

This video covers our beginnings over 26 years ago and covers our scope and approach as well as our current activities and plans.

An Introduction to OAGIS Software

This video provides an overview of the Open Applications Group Integration Specification (OAGIS), how people are using it, and also who we know is using the standard.

OAGIS Release 10.0 Webinar

This 30-minute webinar will introduce you to many of the concepts implemented in OAGIS Release 10.0.

OAGIS Release 10.X Naming and Design Rules

Detailed document describing the rules all OAGIS 10.X conformant schemas must adhere to. This is literally the UN/CEFACT Naming and Design Guide Version 3.0.

Examples of RFQ, Quote, PO, PO Ack, Invoice, Advance Ship Notice

Detailed examples donated by Cap Gemini.

Versioning White Paper

White Paper on OAGIS versioning approach.

OAGIS Development Methodology

OAGi Development Methodology for their standards development.